Extensible 3D (X3D)
Part 1: Architecture and base components

23 Navigation component

--- X3D separator bar ---

cube 23.1 Introduction

23.1.1 Name

The name of this component is "Navigation". This name shall be used when referring to this component in the COMPONENT statement (see Component statement).

23.1.2 Overview

This clause describes the Navigation component of this part of ISO/IEC 19775. Table 23.1 provides links to the major topics in this clause.

Table 23.1 — Topics

cube 23.2 Concepts

23.2.1 An overview of navigation

Navigation is the capability of users to interact with the X3D browser using one or more input devices to affect the view it presents. Navigation support is not required for all profiles.

Every X3D scene can be thought of as containing a viewpoint from which the objects in the scene are presented to the viewer. Navigation permits the user to change the position and orientation of the viewpoint with respect to the remainder of the scene thereby enabling the user to move through the scene and examine objects in the scene.

The NavigationInfo node (see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo) specifies the characteristics of the desired navigation behaviour, but the exact user interface is browser-dependent. The Viewpoint node (see 23.3.5 Viewpoint) specifies key locations and orientations in the world to which the user may be moved via SAI services or browser-specific user interfaces.

23.2.2 Navigation paradigms

The browser may allow the user to modify the location and orientation of the viewer in the virtual world using a navigation paradigm. Many different navigation paradigms are possible, depending on the nature of the virtual world and the task the user wishes to perform. For instance, a walking paradigm would be appropriate in an architectural walkthrough application, while a flying paradigm might be better in an application exploring interstellar space. Examination is another common use for X3D, where the scene contains one or more objects which the user wishes to view from many angles and distances.

The NavigationInfo node has a type field that specifies the navigation paradigm for this world. The actual user interface provided to accomplish this navigation is browser-dependent. See 23.3.4 NavigationInfo, for details.

23.2.3 Viewing model

The browser controls the location and orientation of the viewer in the world, based on input from the user (using the browser-provided navigation paradigm) and the motion of the currently bound Viewpoint node (and its coordinate system). The X3D author can place any number of viewpoints in the world at important places from which the user might wish to view the world. Each viewpoint is described by a Viewpoint node. Viewpoint nodes exist in their parent's coordinate system, and both the viewpoint and the coordinate system may be changed to affect the view of the world presented by the browser. Only one viewpoint is bound at a time. A detailed description of how the Viewpoint node operates is described in 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes and 23.3.5 Viewpoint.

Navigation is performed relative to the Viewpoint's location and does not affect the location and orientation values of a Viewpoint node. The location of the viewer may be determined with a ProximitySensor node (see 22.4.1 ProximitySensor).

23.2.4 Collision detection and terrain following

In profiles in which collision detection is required, the NavigationInfo types of WALK, FLY, and NONE shall strictly support collision detection between the user's avatar and other objects in the scene by prohibiting navigation and/or adjusting the position of the viewpoint. However, the NavigationInfo types ANY and EXAMINE may temporarily disable collision detection during navigation, but shall not disable collision detection during the normal execution of the world. See 23.3.4 NavigationInfo, for details on the various navigation types.

Collision nodes can be used to generate events when viewer and objects collide, and can be used to designate that certain objects should be treated as transparent to collisions. Support for inter-object collision is not specified.

NavigationInfo nodes can be used to specify certain parameters often used by browser navigation paradigms. The size and shape of the viewer's avatar determines how close the avatar may be to an object before a collision is considered to take place. These parameters can also be used to implement terrain following by keeping the avatar a certain distance above the ground. They can additionally be used to determine how short an object must be for the viewer to automatically step up onto it instead of colliding with it.

cube 23.3 Node reference

23.3.1 Billboard

Billboard : X3DGroupingNode {
  MFNode  [in]     addChildren             [X3DChildNode]
  MFNode  [in]     removeChildren          [X3DChildNode]
  SFVec3f [in,out] axisOfRotation 0 1 0    (-∞,∞)
  MFNode  [in,out] children       []       [X3DChildNode]
  SFNode  [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFVec3f []       bboxCenter     0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f []       bboxSize       -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1

The Billboard node is a grouping node which modifies its coordinate system so that the Billboard node's local Z-axis turns to point at the viewer. The Billboard node has children which may be other children nodes.

The axisOfRotation field specifies which axis to use to perform the rotation. This axis is defined in the local coordinate system.

When the axisOfRotation field is not (0, 0, 0), the following steps describe how to rotate the billboard to face the viewer:

  1. Compute the vector from the Billboard node's origin to the viewer's position. This vector is called the billboard-to-viewer vector.
  2. Compute the plane defined by the axisOfRotation and the billboard-to-viewer vector.
  3. Rotate the local Z-axis of the billboard into the plane from b., pivoting around the axisOfRotation.

When the axisOfRotation field is set to (0, 0, 0), the special case of viewer-alignment is indicated. In this case, the object rotates to keep the billboard's local Y-axis parallel with the Y-axis of the viewer. This special case is distinguished by setting the axisOfRotation to (0, 0, 0). The following steps describe how to align the billboard's Y-axis to the Y-axis of the viewer:

  1. Compute the billboard-to-viewer vector.
  2. Rotate the Z-axis of the billboard to be collinear with the billboard-to-viewer vector and pointing towards the viewer's position.
  3. Rotate the Y-axis of the billboard to be parallel and oriented in the same direction as the Y-axis of the viewer.

If the axisOfRotation and the billboard-to-viewer line are coincident, the plane cannot be established and the resulting rotation of the billboard is undefined. For example, if the axisOfRotation is set to (0,1,0) (Y-axis) and the viewer flies over the billboard and peers directly down the Y-axis, the results are undefined.

Multiple instances of Billboard nodes (DEF/USE) operate as expected: each instance rotates in its unique coordinate system to face the viewer.

10.2.1 Grouping and children node types provides a description of the children, addChildren, and removeChildren fields.

The bboxCenter and bboxSize fields specify a bounding box that encloses the Billboard node's children. This is a hint that may be used for optimization purposes. The results are undefined if the specified bounding box is smaller than the actual bounding box of the children at any time. A default bboxSize value, (-1, -1, -1), implies that the bounding box is not specified and if needed shall be calculated by the browser. A description of the bboxCenter and bboxSize fields is contained in 10.2.2 Bounding boxes.

23.3.2 Collision

Collision : X3DGroupingNode, X3DSensorNode {
  MFNode  [in]     addChildren             [X3DChildNode]
  MFNode  [in]     removeChildren          [X3DChildNode]
  SFBool  [in,out] enabled
  MFNode  [in,out] children       []       [X3DChildNode]
  SFNode  [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFTime  [out]    collideTime
  SFBool  [out]    isActive
  SFVec3f []       bboxCenter     0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f []       bboxSize       -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1
  SFNode  []       proxy          NULL     [X3DChildNode]

The Collision node is a grouping node that specifies the collision detection properties for its children (and their descendants), specifies surrogate objects that replace its children during collision detection, and sends events signalling that a collision has occurred between the avatar and the Collision node's geometry or surrogate. By default, all geometric nodes in the scene are collidable with the viewer except IndexedLineSet and PointSet. Browsers shall detect geometric collisions between the avatar (see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo) and the scene's geometry and prevent the avatar from 'entering' the geometry. See 23.2.4 Collision detection and terrain following for general information on collision detection.

If there are no Collision nodes specified in a X3D file, browsers shall detect collisions between the avatar and all objects during navigation.

10.2.1 Grouping and children node types contains a description of the children, addChildren, and removeChildren fields.

The Collision node's collide field enables and disables collision detection. If collide is set to FALSE, the children and all descendants of the Collision node shall not be checked for collision, even though they are drawn. This includes any descendent Collision nodes that have collide set to TRUE (i.e., setting collide to FALSE turns collision off for every node below it).

Collision nodes with the collide field set to TRUE detect the nearest collision with their descendent geometry (or proxies). When the nearest collision is detected, the collided Collision node sends the time of the collision through its collideTime field. If a Collision node contains a child, descendant, or proxy (see below) that is a Collision node, and both Collision nodes detect that a collision has occurred, both send a collideTime event at the same time. A collideTime event shall be generated if the avatar is colliding with collidable geometry when the Collision node is read from a X3D file or inserted into the transformation hierarchy.

The bboxCenter and bboxSize fields specify a bounding box that encloses the Collision node's children. This is a hint that may be used for optimization purposes. The results are undefined if the specified bounding box is smaller than the actual bounding box of the children at any time. A default bboxSize value, (-1, -1, -1), implies that the bounding box is not specified and if needed shall be calculated by the browser. More details on the bboxCenter and bboxSize fields can be found in 10.2.2 Bounding boxes..

The collision proxy, defined in the proxy field, is any legal children node as described in 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types that is used as a substitute for the Collision node's children during collision detection. The proxy is used strictly for collision detection; it is not drawn.

If the value of the collide field is TRUE and the proxy field is non-NULL, the proxy field defines the scene on which collision detection is performed. If the proxy value is NULL, collision detection is performed against the children of the Collision node.

If proxy is specified, any descendent children of the Collision node are ignored during collision detection. If children is empty, collide is TRUE, and proxy is specified, collision detection is performed against the proxy but nothing is displayed. In this manner, invisible collision objects may be supported.

The collideTime field generates an event specifying the time when the avatar (see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo) makes contact with the collidable children or proxy of the Collision node. An ideal implementation computes the exact time of collision. Implementations may approximate the ideal by sampling the positions of collidable objects and the user. The NavigationInfo node contains additional information for parameters that control the avatar size.

23.3.3 LOD

LOD : X3DGroupingNode {
  MFNode  [in]     addChildren             [X3DChildNode]
  MFNode  [in]     removeChildren          [X3DChildNode]
  MFNode  [in,out] children       []       [X3DChildNode]
  SFNode  [in,out] metadata       NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFVec3f []       bboxCenter     0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f []       bboxSize       -1 -1 -1 [0,∞) or −1 −1 −1
  SFVec3f []       center         0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  MFFloat []       range          []       [0,∞) or -1 

The LOD node specifies various levels of detail or complexity for a given object, and provides hints allowing browsers to automatically choose the appropriate version of the object based on the distance from the user. The children field contains a list of nodes that represent the same object or objects at varying levels of detail, ordered from highest level of detail to the lowest level of detail. The range field specifies the ideal distances at which to switch between the levels. However, browsers are allowed to disregard level distances in order to provide better performance. 10.2.1 Grouping and children node types contains details on the types of nodes that are legal values for children.

The center field is a translation offset in the local coordinate system that specifies the centre of the LOD node for distance calculations.

The number of nodes in the children field shall exceed the number of values in the range field by one (i.e., N+1 children nodes for N range values). The range field contains monotonic increasing values that shall be greater than zero. In order to calculate which level to display, first the distance is calculated from the viewer's location, transformed into the local coordinate system of the LOD node (including any scaling transformations), to the center point of the LOD node. Then, the LOD node evaluates the step function L(d) to choose a level for a given value of d (where d is the distance from the viewer position to the centre of the LOD node).

Let n ranges, R0, R1, R2, ..., Rn-1, partition the domain (0, +infinity) into n+1 subintervals given by (0, R0), [R0R1)... , [Rn-1, +infinity). Also, let n levels L0, L1, L2, ..., Ln-1 be the values of the step function L(d). The level, L(d), for a given distance d is defined as follows:

    L(d) = L0,   if d < R0,
         = Li+1, if Ri ≤ d < Ri+1, for −1 < i < n−1,
         = Ln−1, if d ≥ Rn−1.

The L(d)th node of the children field is that which is displayed.

Specifying too few levels will result in the last level being used repeatedly for the lowest levels of detail. If more levels than ranges are specified, the extra levels are ignored. An empty range field is an exception to this rule. This case is a hint to the browser that it may choose a level automatically to maintain a constant display rate. Each value in the range field shall be greater than the previous value.

LOD nodes are evaluated top-down in the scene graph. Only the descendants of the currently selected children node are rendered. All nodes under an LOD node continue to receive and send events regardless of which LOD node's level is active. For example, if an active TimeSensor node is contained within an inactive level of an LOD node, the TimeSensor node sends events regardless of the LOD node's state.

The bboxCenter and bboxSize fields specify a bounding box that encloses the LOD node's children. This is a hint that may be used for optimization purposes. The results are undefined if the specified bounding box is smaller than the actual bounding box of the child with the largest bounding box at any time. A default bboxSize value, (−1, −1, −1), implies that the bounding box is not specified and, if needed, is calculated by the browser. A description of the bboxCenter and bboxSize fields is contained in 10.2.2 Bounding boxes.

23.3.4 NavigationInfo

NavigationInfo : X3DBindableNode {
  SFBool   [in]     set_bind
  MFFloat  [in,out] avatarSize      [0.25 1.6 0.75] [0,∞)
  SFBool   [in,out] headlight       TRUE
  SFNode   [in,out] metadata        NULL            [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFFloat  [in,out] speed           1.0             [0,∞)
  MFString [in,out] transitionType  ["LINEAR"]      ["TELEPORT" "LINEAR" "ANIMATE"]
  MFString [in,out] type            ["EXAMINE" "ANY"]
  SFFloat  [in,out] visibilityLimit 0.0             [0,∞)
  SFTime   [out]    bindTime
  SFBool   [out]    isBound

The NavigationInfo node contains information describing the physical characteristics of the viewer's avatar and viewing model. NavigationInfo node is a bindable node (see 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes). Thus, there exists a NavigationInfo node stack in which the top-most NavigationInfo node on the stack is the currently bound NavigationInfo node. The current NavigationInfo node is considered to be a child of the current Viewpoint node regardless of where it is initially located in the X3D file. Whenever the current Viewpoint nodes changes, the current NavigationInfo node shall be re-parented to it by the browser. Whenever the current NavigationInfo node changes, the new NavigationInfo node shall be re-parented to the current Viewpoint node by the browser.

If a TRUE value is sent to the set_bind field of a NavigationInfo node, the node is pushed onto the top of the NavigationInfo node stack. When a NavigationInfo node is bound, the browser uses the fields of the NavigationInfo node to set the navigation controls of its user interface and the NavigationInfo node is conceptually re-parented under the currently bound Viewpoint node. All subsequent scaling changes to the current Viewpoint node's coordinate system automatically change aspects (see below) of the NavigationInfo node values used in the browser (e.g., scale changes to any ancestors' transformations). A FALSE value sent to set_bind pops the NavigationInfo node from the stack, results in an isBound FALSE event, and pops to the next entry in the stack which shall be re-parented to the current Viewpoint node. 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes has more details on binding stacks.

The type field specifies an ordered list of navigation paradigms that specify a combination of navigation types and the initial navigation type. The navigation type of the currently bound NavigationInfo node determines the user interface capabilities of the browser. For example, if the currently bound NavigationInfo node's type is "WALK", the browser shall present a WALK navigation user interface paradigm (see below for description of WALK). Browsers shall recognize at least the following navigation types: "ANY", "WALK", "EXAMINE", "FLY", "LOOKAT", and "NONE" and with support as specified in Table 23.2.

If "ANY" does not appear in the type field list of the currently bound NavigationInfo, the browser's navigation user interface shall be restricted to the recognized navigation types specified in the list. In this case, browsers shall not present a user interface that allows the navigation type to be changed to a type not specified in the list. However, if any one of the values in the type field are "ANY", the browser may provide any type of navigation interface, and allow the user to change the navigation type dynamically. Furthermore, the first recognized type in the list shall be the initial navigation type presented by the browser's user interface.

ANY navigation specifies that the browser may choose the navigation paradigm that best suits the content and provide a user interface to allow the user to change the navigation paradigm dynamically. The results are undefined if the currently bound NavigationInfo's type value is "ANY" and Viewpoint transitions (see 23.3.5 Viewpoint) are triggered by the Anchor node (see 9.4.1 Anchor) or the loadURL() scripting method (see 2.[I19775-2]).

WALK navigation is used for exploring a virtual world on foot or in a vehicle that rests on or hovers above the ground. It is strongly recommended that WALK navigation define the up vector in the +Y direction and provide some form of terrain following and gravity in order to produce a walking or driving experience. If the bound NavigationInfo's type is "WALK", the browser shall strictly support collision detection (see 23.3.2 Collision).

FLY navigation is similar to WALK except that terrain following and gravity may be disabled or ignored. There shall still be some notion of "up" however. If the bound NavigationInfo's type is "FLY", the browser shall strictly support collision detection (see 23.3.2 Collision).

LOOKAT navigation is used to explore a scene by navigating to a particular object. Selecting an object with LOOKAT:

  1. Moves the viewpoint directly to some convenient viewing distance from the bounding box center of the selected object, with the viewpoint orientation set to aim the view at the approximate "center" of the object;
  2. Sets the center of rotation in the currently bound Viewpoint node to the approximate "center" of the selected object.

EXAMINE navigation is used for viewing individual objects. EXAMINE shall provide the ability to orbit or spin the user's eyepoint about the center of rotation in response to user actions. The center of rotation for moving the viewpoint around the object and determining the viewpoint orientation is specified in the currently bound Viewpoint node (see 23.3.5 Viewpoint). The browser shall strictly support collision detection (see Collision) and shall trigger exit and enter events throughout EXAMINE operations.

LOOKAT navigation in combination with EXAMINE is used to explore a scene by navigating to a particular object, then being able to conveniently navigate in order to examine the object from different orientations. If content specifies both LOOKAT and EXAMINE types, any LOOKAT operations shall change the center of rotation for subsequent EXAMINE operations.

NONE navigation disables and removes all browser-specific navigation user interface forcing the user to navigate using only mechanisms provided in the scene, such as Anchor nodes or scripts that include loadURL().

If the NavigationInfo type is "WALK", "FLY", "EXAMINE", or "NONE" or a combination of these types (i.e., "ANY" is not in the list), Viewpoint transitions (see 23.3.5 Viewpoint) triggered by the Anchor node (see 9.4.1 Anchor) or the loadURL()scripting method (see 2.[I19775-2]) shall be implemented as a jump from the old Viewpoint to the new Viewpoint with transition effects that shall not trigger events besides the exit and enter events caused by the jump.

Browsers may create browser-specific navigation type extensions. It is recommended that extended type names include a unique suffix (e.g., HELICOPTER_mydomain.com) to prevent conflicts. Viewpoint transitions (see 23.3.5 Viewpoint) triggered by the Anchor node (see 9.4.1 Anchor) or the loadURL()scripting method (see 2.[I19775-2]) are undefined for extended navigation types. If none of the types are recognized by the browser, the default "ANY" is used. These strings values are case sensitive ("any" is not equal to "ANY").

The transitionType field specifies an ordered list of paradigms that determine the manner in which the browser moves the viewer when a new Viewpoint node is bound. Browsers shall recognize and support at least the following transition types: "TELEPORT", "LINEAR", and "ANIMATE". For value "TELEPORT", the transition shall be immediate without any intervening positions. For value "LINEAR", the browser shall perform a linear interpolation of the position and orientation values. For value "ANIMATE", the browser shall perform a browser-specific animation effect. If all values are unrecognized or the field is empty, the default value of "ANIMATE" shall be used. This field applies to any transitions between positions and orientations including Viewpoint bindings and LOOKAT navigation type.

The speed field specifies the rate at which the viewer travels through a scene in metres per second. Since browsers may provide mechanisms to travel faster or slower, this field specifies the default, average speed of the viewer when the NavigationInfo node is bound. If the NavigationInfo type is EXAMINE, speed shall not affect the viewer's rotational speed. Scaling in the transformation hierarchy of the currently bound Viewpoint node (see above) scales the speed; parent translation and rotation transformations have no effect on speed. Speed shall be non-negative. Zero speed indicates that the avatar's position is stationary, but its orientation and field of view may still change. If the navigation type is "NONE", the speed field has no effect.

The avatarSize field specifies the user's physical dimensions in the world for the purpose of collision detection and terrain following. It is a multi-value field allowing several dimensions to be specified. The first value shall be the allowable distance between the user's position and any collision geometry (as specified by a Collision node ) before a collision is detected. The second shall be the height above the terrain at which the browser shall maintain the viewer. The third shall be the height of the tallest object over which the viewer can move. This allows staircases to be built with dimensions that can be ascended by viewers in all browsers. The transformation hierarchy of the currently bound Viewpoint node scales the avatarSize. Translations and rotations have no effect on avatarSize.

For purposes of terrain following, the browser maintains a notion of the down direction (down vector), since gravity is applied in the direction of the down vector. This down vector shall be along the negative Y-axis in the local coordinate system of the currently bound Viewpoint node (i.e., the accumulation of the Viewpoint node's ancestors' transformations, not including the Viewpoint node's orientation field).

Geometry beyond the visibilityLimit may not be rendered. A value of 0.0 indicates an infinite visibility limit. The visibilityLimit field is restricted to be greater than or equal to zero.

The speed, avatarSize and visibilityLimit values are all scaled by the transformation being applied to the currently bound Viewpoint node. If there is no currently bound Viewpoint node, the values are interpreted in the world coordinate system. This allows these values to be automatically adjusted when binding to a Viewpoint node that has a scaling transformation applied to it without requiring a new NavigationInfo node to be bound as well. The results are undefined if the scale applied to the Viewpoint node is non-uniform.

The headlight field specifies whether a browser shall turn on a headlight. A headlight is a directional light that always points in the direction the user is looking. Setting this field to TRUE allows the browser to provide a headlight, possibly with user interface controls to turn it on and off. Scenes that enlist precomputed lighting (EXAMPLE  radiosity solutions) can turn the headlight off. The headlight shall have intensity = 1, color = (1 1 1), ambientIntensity = 0.0, and direction = (0 0 −1).

It is recommended that the near clipping plane be set to one-half of the collision radius as specified in the avatarSize field (setting the near plane to this value prevents excessive clipping of objects just above the collision volume, and also provides a region inside the collision volume for content authors to include geometry intended to remain fixed relative to the viewer). Such geometry shall not be occluded by geometry outside of the collision volume.

23.3.5 Viewpoint

Viewpoint : X3DBindableNode { 
  SFBool     [in]     set_bind
  SFVec3f    [in,out] centerOfRotation 0 0 0   (-∞,∞)
  SFString   [in,out] description      ""
  SFFloat    [in,out] fieldOfView      π/4     (0,π)
  SFBool     [in,out] jump             TRUE
  SFNode     [in,out] metadata         NULL    [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFRotation [in,out] orientation      0 0 1 0 [-1,1],(-∞,∞)
  SFVec3f    [in,out] position         0 0 10  (-∞,∞)
  SFTime     [out]    bindTime
  SFBool     [out]    isBound

The Viewpoint node defines a specific location in the local coordinate system from which the user may view the scene. Viewpoint nodes are bindable children nodes (see 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes) and thus there exists a Viewpoint node stack in the browser in which the top-most Viewpoint node on the stack is the currently active Viewpoint node. If a TRUE value is sent to the set_bind field of a Viewpoint node, it is moved to the top of the Viewpoint node stack and activated. When a Viewpoint node is at the top of the stack, the user's view is conceptually re-parented as a child of the Viewpoint node. All subsequent changes to the Viewpoint node's coordinate system change the user's view (e.g., changes to any ancestor transformation nodes or to the Viewpoint node's position or orientation fields). Sending a set_bind FALSE event removes the Viewpoint node from the stack and produces isBound FALSE and bindTime events. If the popped Viewpoint node is at the top of the viewpoint stack, the user's view is re-parented to the next entry in the stack. More details on binding stacks can be found in 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes. When a Viewpoint node is moved to the top of the stack, the existing top of stack Viewpoint node sends an isBound FALSE event and is pushed down the stack.

An author can automatically move the user's view through the world by binding the user to a Viewpoint node and then animating either the Viewpoint node or the transformations above it. Browsers shall allow the user view to be navigated relative to the coordinate system defined by the Viewpoint node (and the transformations above it) even if the Viewpoint node or its ancestors' transformations are being animated.

The bindTime field sends the time at which the Viewpoint node is bound or unbound. This can happen:

  1. during loading;
  2. when a set_bind event is sent to the Viewpoint node;
  3. when the browser binds to the Viewpoint node through its user interface described below.

The position and orientation fields of the Viewpoint node specify relative locations in the local coordinate system. Position is relative to the coordinate system's origin (0,0,0), while orientation specifies a rotation relative to the default orientation. In the default position and orientation, the viewer is on the Z-axis looking down the −Z-axis toward the origin with +X to the right and +Y straight up. Viewpoint nodes are affected by the transformation hierarchy.

Navigation types (see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo) that require a definition of a down vector (e.g., terrain following) shall use the negative Y-axis of the coordinate system of the currently bound Viewpoint node. Likewise, navigation types that require a definition of an up vector shall use the positive Y-axis of the coordinate system of the currently bound Viewpoint node. The orientation field of the Viewpoint node does not affect the definition of the down or up vectors. This allows the author to separate the viewing direction from the gravity direction.

The jump field specifies whether the user's view "jumps" to the position and orientation of a bound Viewpoint node or remains unchanged. This jump is instantaneous and discontinuous in that no collisions are performed and no ProximitySensor nodes are checked in between the starting and ending jump points. If the user's position before the jump is inside a ProximitySensor the exitTime of that sensor shall send the same timestamp as the bind field. Similarly, if the user's position after the jump is inside a ProximitySensor the enterTime of that sensor shall send the same timestamp as the bind field. Regardless of the value of jump at bind time, the relative viewing transformation between the user's view and the current Viewpoint node shall be stored with the current Viewpoint node for later use when un-jumping (i.e., popping the Viewpoint node binding stack from a Viewpoint node with jump TRUE). The following summarizes the bind stack rules (see 7.2.2 Bindable children nodes) with additional rules regarding Viewpoint nodes (displayed in boldface type):

  1. During read, the first encountered Viewpoint node is bound by pushing it to the top of the Viewpoint node stack. If a Viewpoint node name is specified in the URL that is being read, this named Viewpoint node is considered to be the first encountered Viewpoint node. Nodes contained within Inline nodes (see 9.4.2 Inline), within the strings passed to the Browser.createX3DFromString() method, or within files passed to the Browser.createX3DFromURL() method (see 2.[I19775-2]) are not candidates for the first encountered Viewpoint node. The first node within a prototype instance is a valid candidate for the first encountered Viewpoint node. The first encountered Viewpoint node sends an isBound TRUE event.
  2. When a set_bind TRUE event is received by a Viewpoint node,
    1. If it is not on the top of the stack: The relative transformation from the current top of stack Viewpoint node to the user's view is stored with the current top of stack Viewpoint node. The current top of stack node sends an isBound FALSE event. The new node is moved to the top of the stack and becomes the currently bound Viewpoint node. The new Viewpoint node (top of stack) sends an isBound TRUE event. If jump is TRUE for the new Viewpoint node, the user's view is instantaneously "jumped" to match the values in the position and orientation fields of the new Viewpoint node.
    2. If the node is already at the top of the stack, this event has no affect.
  3. When a set_bind FALSE event is received by a Viewpoint node in the stack, it is removed from the stack. If it was on the top of the stack,
    1. it sends an isBound FALSE event,
    2. the next node in the stack becomes the currently bound Viewpoint node (i.e., pop) and issues an isBound TRUE event,
    3. if its jump field value is TRUE, the user's view is instantaneously "jumped" to the position and orientation of the next Viewpoint node in the stack with the stored relative transformation of this next Viewpoint node applied.
  4. If a set_bind FALSE event is received by a node not in the stack, the event is ignored and isBound events are not sent.
  5. When a node replaces another node at the top of the stack, the isBound TRUE and FALSE events from the two nodes are sent simultaneously (i.e., with identical timestamps).
  6. If a bound node is deleted, it behaves as if it received a set_bind FALSE event (see c. above).

The jump field may change after a Viewpoint node is bound. The rules described above still apply. If jump was TRUE when the Viewpoint node is bound, but changed to FALSE before the set_bind FALSE is sent, the Viewpoint node does not un-jump during unbind. If jump was FALSE when the Viewpoint node is bound, but changed to TRUE before the set_bind FALSE is sent, the Viewpoint node does perform the un-jump during unbind.

Note that there are two other mechanisms that result in the binding of a new Viewpoint:

  1. An Anchor node's url field specifies a "#ViewpointName".
  2. A script invokes the loadURL() method and the URL argument specifies a "#ViewpointName".

Both of these mechanisms override the jump field value of the specified Viewpoint node (#ViewpointName) and assume that jump is TRUE when binding to the new Viewpoint. The behaviour of the viewer transition to the newly bound Viewpoint depends on the currently bound NavigationInfo node's type field value (see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo).

The fieldOfView field specifies a preferred minimum viewing angle from this viewpoint in radians. A small field of view roughly corresponds to a telephoto lens; a large field of view roughly corresponds to a wide-angle lens. The field of view shall be greater than zero and smaller than π. The value of fieldOfView represents the minimum viewing angle in any direction axis perpendicular to the view. For example, a browser with a rectangular viewing projection shall have the following relationship:

   display width    tan(FOVhorizontal/2)
   -------------- = -----------------
   display height   tan(FOVvertical/2)

where the smaller of display width or display height determines which angle equals the fieldOfView (the larger angle is computed using the relationship described above). The larger angle shall not exceed π and may force the smaller angle to be less than fieldOfView in order to sustain the aspect ratio.

The description field specifies a textual description of the Viewpoint node. This may be used by browser-specific user interfaces. If a Viewpoint's description field is empty it is recommended that the browser not present this Viewpoint in its browser-specific user interface.

The centerOfRotation field specifies a center about which to rotate the user's eyepoint when in EXAMINE mode. If the browser does not provide the ability to spin around the object in EXAMINE mode, or LOOKAT is not in the list of allowed navigation modes, this field shall be ignored. For additional information, see 23.3.4 NavigationInfo and 22.4.1 ProximitySensor.

The URL syntax ".../scene.wrl#ViewpointName" specifies the user's initial view when loading "scene.wrl" to be the first Viewpoint node in the X3D file that appears as DEF ViewpointName Viewpoint {...}. This overrides the first Viewpoint node in the X3D file as the initial user view, and a set_bind TRUE message is sent to the Viewpoint node named "ViewpointName". If the Viewpoint node named "ViewpointName" is not found, the browser shall use the first Viewpoint node in the X3D file (i.e. the normal default behaviour). The URL syntax "#ViewpointName" (i.e. no file name) specifies a viewpoint within the existing X3D file. If this URL is loaded (e.g. Anchor node's url field or loadURL() method is invoked by a Script node), the Viewpoint node named "ViewpointName" is bound (a set_bind TRUE event is sent to this Viewpoint node).

cube 23.4 Support levels

The Navigation component provides two levels of support as specified in Table 23.2.

Table 23.2Navigation component support levels

Level Prerequisites Nodes Support
1 Core 1
Shape 1

NavigationInfo avatarSize optionally supported.
speed optionally supported.
type support for at least "ANY", "FLY", "EXAMINE", and "NONE".
visibilityLimit optionally supported.
Viewpoint fieldOfView optionally supported.
description optionally supported.
2 Core 1
Grouping 1
Shape 1
Environmental sensor 2
All Level 1 Navigation nodes All fields fully supported.
    NavigationInfo type support for at least "ANY", "FLY", "EXAMINE", "WALK", "LOOKAT", and "NONE".

All other fields fully supported.

  Billboard All fields fully supported.
Collision All fields fully supported.
LOD All fields fully supported.
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