X3D libraries
The libraries to work with X3D dataset


Element: field

Previous: connectIndexNext: fieldValue

<!ELEMENT field (AudioClip | LineProperties | FillProperties | Appearance | 
	Material | ImageTexture | MovieTexture | MultiTexture | PixelTexture
	| TextureTransform | MultiTextureTransform | GeoPositionInterpolator
	| GeoTouchSensor | HAnimDisplacer | NurbsPositionInterpolator | 
	NurbsOrientationInterpolator | NurbsSurfaceInterpolator | 
	BooleanFilter | BooleanSequencer | BooleanToggle | BooleanTrigger | 
	IntegerSequencer | IntegerTrigger | TimeTrigger | ColorInterpolator
	| CoordinateInterpolator | CoordinateInterpolator2D | CylinderSensor
	| KeySensor | LoadSensor | NormalInterpolator | 
	OrientationInterpolator | PlaneSensor | PositionInterpolator | 
	PositionInterpolator2D | ProximitySensor | ScalarInterpolator | 
	Script | SphereSensor | StringSensor | TimeSensor | TouchSensor | 
	VisibilitySensor | GeoViewpoint | Background | Fog | NavigationInfo
	| TextureBackground | Viewpoint | FontStyle | GeoCoordinate | 
	Coordinate | CoordinateDouble | Color | ColorRGBA | Normal | 
	TextureCoordinate | TextureCoordinateGenerator | 
	MultiTextureCoordinate | NurbsTextureCoordinate | GeoElevationGrid | 
	ContourPolyline2D | NurbsCurve | NurbsCurve2D | NurbsPatchSurface | 
	NurbsTrimmedSurface | NurbsSweptSurface | NurbsSwungSurface |
	XvlShell | Arc2D | ArcClose2D | Circle2D | Disk2D | Polyline2D | 
	Polypoint2D | Rectangle2D | TriangleSet2D | Box | Cone | Cylinder | 
	ElevationGrid | Extrusion | IndexedFaceSet | IndexedLineSet | 
	LineSet | PointSet | Sphere | Text | IndexedTriangleFanSet | 
	IndexedTriangleSet | IndexedTriangleStripSet | TriangleFanSet | 
	TriangleSet | TriangleStripSet | EspduTransform | SignalPdu | 
	ReceiverPdu | TransmitterPdu | GeoLocation | GeoLOD | HAnimJoint | 
	HAnimSegment | HAnimSite | HAnimHumanoid | Contour2D | NurbsGroup |
	NurbsTextureSurface | Anchor | Billboard | Collision | Group | 
	Inline | LOD | StaticGroup | Switch | Transform | MetadataDouble | 
	MetadataFloat | MetadataInteger | MetadataSet | MetadataString | 
	ProtoInstance | GeoOrigin | DirectionalLight | SpotLight | 
	PointLight | Shape | Sound | GeoMetadata | WorldInfo | ProtoDeclare
	| ProtoInstance)*>
<!ATTLIST field
	accessType    (initializeOnly | inputOnly | inputOutput |
		outputOnly) #REQUIRED
	appinfo       CDATA    #IMPLIED
	documentation CDATA    #IMPLIED
	name          NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
	type          (MFBool | MFColor | MFColorRGBA | MFDouble | MFFloat |
		MFImage | MFInt32 | MFNode | MFRotation | MFString | MFTime
		| MFVec2d | MFVec2f | MFVec3d | MFVec3f | SFBool | SFColor |
		SFColorRGBA | SFDouble | SFFloat | SFImage | SFInt32 |
		SFNode | SFRotation | SFString | SFTime | SFVec2d | SFVec2f
		| SFVec3d | SFVec3f) #REQUIRED
	value         CDATA    #IMPLIED
	xml:space     (default | preserve) "default">
Elements referencing: field

Created on 11/25/05 at 20:30 on halk by dtd2tree v1.00