X3D libraries
The libraries to work with X3D dataset

x3d::SFString Class Reference

#include <node.h>

Inheritance diagram for x3d::SFString:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for x3d::SFString:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Append (const char *str)
void Append (const SFString &src)
const char * c_str (void) const
void Empty (void)
SFString Escape (void) const
void GetValue (wchar_t *str, int size)
void GetValue (char *str, int size)
 Get a copy of the UTF-8 string in an SFString.
bool IsEmpty (void) const
bool operator!= (const char *str) const
bool operator!= (const SFString &src) const
SFString operator+ (const char *str) const
SFString operator+ (const SFString &src) const
SFStringoperator+= (const char *str)
SFStringoperator+= (const SFString &src)
bool operator< (const char *str) const
bool operator<= (const SFString &src) const
SFStringoperator= (const char *str)
SFStringoperator= (const SFString &src)
bool operator== (const char *str) const
bool operator== (const SFString &src) const
bool operator> (const char *str) const
bool operator>= (const SFString &src) const
void SetValue (const wchar_t *str)
 Set the unicode string in the SFString.
void SetValue (const char *str)
void SetValue (const SFString &src)
 SFString (const char *str, int len=-1)
 SFString (const SFString &src)
 SFString (void)
int Size (void) const
SFString Unescape (void) const
 ~SFString ()

Private Member Functions

void Set (const char *str, int len=-1)

Private Attributes

int f_size
char * f_str

Static Private Attributes

static const char g_empty [1] = { '\0' }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

x3d::SFString::SFString void   )  [inline]

x3d::SFString::SFString const SFString src  )  [inline]

x3d::SFString::SFString const char *  str,
int  len = -1

x3d::SFString::~SFString  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void x3d::SFString::Append const char *  str  ) 

void x3d::SFString::Append const SFString src  )  [inline]

const char* x3d::SFString::c_str void   )  const [inline]

void x3d::SFString::Empty void   )  [inline]

SFString x3d::SFString::Escape void   )  const

void x3d::SFString::GetValue wchar_t *  str,
int  size

void x3d::SFString::GetValue char *  str,
int  size

Get a copy of the UTF-8 string in an SFString.

This function makes a copy of the UTF-8 string available in the SFString to your specified buffer.

[in,out] str A pointer to your string buffer where the SFString will be saved.
[in] size The size of your buffer in bytes.

bool x3d::SFString::IsEmpty void   )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator!= const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator!= const SFString src  )  const [inline]

SFString x3d::SFString::operator+ const char *  str  )  const [inline]

SFString x3d::SFString::operator+ const SFString src  )  const [inline]

SFString& x3d::SFString::operator+= const char *  str  )  [inline]

SFString& x3d::SFString::operator+= const SFString src  )  [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator< const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator<= const SFString src  )  const [inline]

SFString& x3d::SFString::operator= const char *  str  )  [inline]

SFString& x3d::SFString::operator= const SFString src  )  [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator== const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator== const SFString src  )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator> const char *  str  )  const [inline]

bool x3d::SFString::operator>= const SFString src  )  const [inline]

void x3d::SFString::Set const char *  str,
int  len = -1

void x3d::SFString::SetValue const wchar_t *  str  ) 

Set the unicode string in the SFString.

This function converst the input null terminated unicode string into a UTF-8 string and saves the result in this string.

[in] str The unicode string to save in the SFString.

void x3d::SFString::SetValue const char *  str  )  [inline]

void x3d::SFString::SetValue const SFString src  )  [inline]

int x3d::SFString::Size void   )  const [inline]

SFString x3d::SFString::Unescape void   )  const

Member Data Documentation

int x3d::SFString::f_size [private]

char* x3d::SFString::f_str [private]

const char x3d::SFString::g_empty = { '\0' } [static, private]

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