X3D libraries
The libraries to work with X3D dataset


Element: component

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<!ELEMENT component EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST component
	level (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) #REQUIRED
	name  (Core | DIS | EnvironmentalEffects | EnvironmentalSensor |
		EventUtilities | Geometry2D | Geometry3D | Geospatial |
		Grouping | H-Anim | Interpolation | KeyDeviceSensor |
		Lighting | NURBS | Navigation | Networking |
		PointingDeviceSensor | Rendering | Scripting | Shape | Sound
		| Text | Texturing | Time) #REQUIRED>
Elements referencing: component

Created on 11/25/05 at 20:30 on halk by dtd2tree v1.00